2. It is for you the Lord's body was given and his blood shed, Luke 22:19-20.
3. This is my body, said Jesus which is broken for you 1Cor. 11:24 kjv.
4. He the Holy One who died for all 2 Cor 2:14 kjv.
5. Christ is made sin for us 2 Cor 5:21. (kjv)
6. He sacrificed himself for us.Gal.1:4 (kjv)
7. The Son of God loved us and gave Himself for me. Gal 2:20 (kjv)
8. He was made a curse for us Gal 3;13 (kjv) Christ suffered for us 1 Peter 2 :21 (kjv)
9. Christ laid down His life for us. 1 John 3:16 (kjv)
10. Christ loved you and gave Himself up on your behalf Eph 5:2. (kjv)
Glory be to God. This is such a blessing to learn about the body of christ and participation of the lord's supper. I thank you for this script because I have learned that we need ro commune with God weekly as well as fast. Bleesed be to God in the name of Jesus.