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The suffering of Christ between the night of the Last Supper and the Crucifixion
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Maxine Coley
Jun 29, 2023
In Questions & Answers
Maxine Coley
Jun 15, 2023
Being emotionally stable in ministry refers to having a healthy and balanced emotional state while engaging in the work of ministry. It involves having a strong foundation of emotional well-being, resilience, and self-awareness that allows individuals to effectively navigate the challenges and demands of serving in a ministry role. Here are some key aspects of emotional stability in ministry: 1. Self-care: Emotionally stable individuals in ministry prioritize self-care to maintain their own emotional well-being. This includes setting boundaries, practicing healthy stress management techniques, seeking support from others, and taking time for rest and rejuvenation. 2. Emotional self-awareness: Emotional stability requires an understanding of one's own emotions, recognizing and managing them in a healthy way. It involves being aware of personal triggers, processing and expressing emotions appropriately, and seeking help or counseling when needed. 3. Resilience: Ministry can be emotionally challenging, and emotionally stable individuals develop resilience to withstand difficulties and setbacks. They have the ability to bounce back from disappointments, failures, and conflicts, maintaining a positive outlook and continuing to serve with perseverance. 4. Healthy relationships and support networks: Emotionally stable individuals in ministry cultivate healthy relationships and support networks. They surround themselves with trusted friends, mentors, and colleagues who provide encouragement, accountability, and emotional support. They are open to seeking guidance and advice when facing challenging situations. 5. Boundaries and self-regulation: Maintaining emotional stability in ministry involves setting appropriate boundaries and practicing self-regulation. This means managing stress, avoiding burnout, and recognizing when to say no to additional commitments or responsibilities to protect emotional well-being. 6. Spirituality and faith: Nurturing a strong spiritual life and relying on faith can contribute to emotional stability in ministry. Connecting with God, seeking His guidance, and finding comfort and strength in a relationship with Him can help individuals navigate the emotional challenges that come with ministry. Emotional stability in ministry is a lifelong journey that requires ongoing self-reflection, growth, and intentional self-care. It is essential for ministers and leaders to prioritize their emotional well-being in order to effectively serve and support others in their ministry roles.
In Questions & Answers
Maxine Coley
Jun 14, 2023
In Questions & Answers
Maxine Coley
Jun 14, 2023
In Questions & Answers
Maxine Coley
Jun 14, 2023
In Questions & Answers
Maxine Coley
Jun 14, 2023
The steps to salvation, or becoming a Christian, can vary depending on the specific beliefs and practices of different Christian denominations. However, there are some common elements that are generally recognized in the Christian faith. Here is a general outline of the steps to salvation: 1. Recognize your need for salvation: Acknowledge that all human beings are sinners and separated from God. Understand that sin has consequences and prevents a personal relationship with God. 2. Repentance: Repentance involves genuine remorse for your sins and a desire to turn away from a sinful lifestyle. It requires confessing your sins to God, asking for His forgiveness, and committing to living a changed life. 3. Faith in Jesus Christ: Place your faith and trust in Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior. Believe that Jesus is the Son of God, who came to earth, lived a sinless life, died on the cross to pay the penalty for your sins, and rose again from the dead, offering salvation and eternal life. 4. Confession of faith: Publicly declare your faith in Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior. This can be done through a statement of faith, baptism, or participation in a formal ceremony, depending on your church tradition. 5. Follow Jesus and grow in faith: Commit to following Jesus and living according to His teachings. This involves cultivating a personal relationship with God through prayer, studying the Bible, participating in worship and fellowship with other believers, and seeking to live a life that honors God. 6. Receive the Holy Spirit: Many Christians believe in the indwelling of the Holy Spirit, who empowers believers to live a godly life, provides guidance and comfort, and enables spiritual growth. Seek to be filled with the Holy Spirit and allow Him to work in your life. It's important to note that the specific practices and beliefs regarding salvation may differ among Christian denominations. It is recommended to seek guidance from a local church or a trusted spiritual leader who can provide further insight and support as you embark on your journey of faith.
In General Discussion
Maxine Coley
Jun 14, 2023
In General Discussion
Maxine Coley
Jun 14, 2023
The Lord's Supper, also known as Communion or the Eucharist, is a significant sacrament in Christian worship, particularly in traditions that follow the teachings of Jesus Christ. It is a symbolic meal that commemorates and reenacts the Last Supper, an event that took place on the night before Jesus' crucifixion. During the Last Supper, Jesus shared a meal with His disciples, taking bread and wine, giving thanks, and distributing them among His followers. He instructed them to continue this practice in remembrance of Him. The elements of bread and wine symbolize Jesus' body and blood, representing His sacrificial death on the cross for the forgiveness of sins. The Lord's Supper holds several theological and spiritual meanings for Christians: 1. Remembrance: The Lord's Supper serves as a remembrance of Jesus' sacrifice, His redemptive work on the cross, and the significance of His death and resurrection for believers. It is an opportunity to reflect on the love and grace of God. 2. Communion with Christ: Through partaking in the bread and wine, Christians symbolically commune with Jesus, recognizing His presence in their midst. It is a time of spiritual connection and fellowship with Christ. 3. Communion with believers: The Lord's Supper also represents unity and communion among believers. As Christians come together to partake in the sacrament, they express their common faith and participation in the body of Christ. 4. Examination and self-reflection: Before participating in the Lord's Supper, Christians are encouraged to examine themselves, confess any sins, and seek reconciliation with God and others. It is a time for introspection and repentance. The practices and beliefs surrounding the Lord's Supper may differ among Christian denominations. Some churches observe it weekly, while others do so monthly or on special occasions. The specific rituals, prayers, and liturgies associated with the sacrament may also vary. Ultimately, the Lord's Supper holds deep spiritual and symbolic significance for Christians, reminding them of Jesus' sacrifice, fostering communion with Christ and fellow believers, and calling them to a life of faith and obedience.
Money Affirmation
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Maxine Coley
Jun 14, 2023
"The Total Money Makeover" is a personal finance book written by Dave Ramsey, a renowned financial expert. The book provides practical advice and a step-by-step plan for individuals to take control of their finances, get out of debt, and build wealth. Here are the key principles outlined in "The Total Money Makeover": 1. Create a budget: Develop a detailed monthly budget that accounts for all income and expenses. This process helps you understand where your money is going and enables you to make informed decisions about your spending. 2. Build an emergency fund: Start by saving $1,000 as a starter emergency fund. This fund acts as a buffer against unexpected expenses or emergencies and prevents you from going into debt when faced with financial setbacks. 3. Pay off debt using the debt snowball method: List all your debts from smallest to largest, regardless of interest rates. Make minimum payments on all debts except the smallest one and throw any extra money at it until it is paid off. Then, move on to the next smallest debt. The momentum builds as each debt is paid off, leading to faster progress and increased motivation. 4. Establish a fully funded emergency fund: Once you have paid off your debts, build a fully funded emergency fund that covers three to six months' worth of expenses. This fund serves as a safety net during unexpected events such as job loss or medical emergencies. 5. Save for retirement: Contribute to retirement accounts such as 401(k)s or IRAs to secure your financial future. Aim to save at least 15% of your household income for retirement. 6. Save for children's education: If you have children, consider starting a college savings fund, such as a 529 plan, to prepare for their future education expenses. 7. Pay off your mortgage: Work towards paying off your mortgage early to eliminate the largest debt burden and become completely debt-free. 8. Build wealth and give generously: Once you have achieved financial stability, focus on building wealth through investments and wise money management. Additionally, practice generous giving to support causes you care about and make a positive impact on others. Remember, these principles require discipline, consistency, and a willingness to make sacrifices in the short term for long-term financial freedom. It is important to customize these steps according to your individual circumstances and consult with financial professionals when needed.
Money Affirmation
In General Discussion
Maxine Coley
Jun 14, 2023
Money Affirmation
In General Discussion
Maxine Coley
Jun 14, 2023
Rasing Our Children
In General Discussion
Maxine Coley
Jun 14, 2023
Raising children according to the Bible involves incorporating biblical principles and teachings into the parenting process. Here are some key principles that can guide parents in this approach: 1. Teach and model godly values: Parents should teach their children the importance of virtues such as honesty, kindness, respect, love, forgiveness, and humility. These values are found throughout the Bible and serve as a foundation for a well-rounded character. 2. Nurture a personal relationship with God: Encourage your children to develop a personal relationship with God through prayer, reading the Bible, attending religious services, and engaging in spiritual practices. Teach them about God's love, grace, and guidance, and help them understand their purpose in life. 3. Discipline with love and wisdom: Discipline is an essential aspect of parenting. The Bible advises parents to discipline their children with love, seeking their well-being and growth rather than simply punishing them. Discipline should be fair, consistent, and age-appropriate, focusing on correction and teaching rather than causing harm. 4. Teach biblical principles: Introduce your children to the stories, teachings, and wisdom found in the Bible. Encourage them to study the Scriptures, learn about Jesus' life, and understand the principles that guide Christian living. Use age-appropriate materials, such as children's Bibles and devotionals, to help them grasp biblical concepts. 5. Foster a loving and nurturing environment: Create a home environment where love, acceptance, and forgiveness are emphasized. Show affection and express your love for your children. Spend quality time with them, listen to their concerns, and provide guidance and support. 6. Encourage involvement in a faith community: Involve your children in a local church or faith community where they can build relationships with others who share their beliefs. Encourage participation in age-appropriate activities, such as Sunday school, youth groups, and service projects. 7. Lead by example: Children often learn by observing their parents. Set a positive example by living out your faith and demonstrating the values and principles you want them to embrace. Display integrity, humility, and a genuine love for God and others. Remember that each child is unique, and parenting styles may vary. It is important to adapt these principles to the individual needs and personalities of your children. Seek guidance from your faith community, mentors, and trusted resources to gain further insights on raising children in line with biblical teachings.
In General Discussion
Maxine Coley
Jun 14, 2023
You cannot make more time, but you can feel like there is more time in your life by using an effective time management worksheet. This type of worksheet helps you to plan your day, week or month and filter out all the unnecessary noise, giving you time to focus on what is truly important. Finding the right time management worksheet for you is critical in managing your time effectively, both in your personal and professional life. By getting your work done on time, you eliminate unnecessary stress, are looked up to by your peers and have more time to spend doing what you love Benefits of Managing Your Time There are many reasons you need a time management worksheet to help you manage your time more effectively. Here are some of the benefits you’ll enjoy by learning to manage your time: • Freedom • Simplicity • Improvement of your reputation • Opportunity • Less time wasted • More free time gained • Less friction • Fewer errors • Accomplish more • Reduced stress A great time management worksheet allows you to budget your time so you have the most quality time to dedicate to important things. Excellent time management skills also simplify your life. Who wouldn’t want to do something the easy way? A good manager of time will be regarded as highly reliable in both his personal and professional life. Your boss will come to you with more responsibilities, which may lead to a promotion or better title. This extra responsibility will not be a detriment because you are a master of your time. The best time management worksheet allows you to use your time more efficiently. A slight adjustment in the time you leave for work could turn a 90-minute one-way commute into a 30-minute one. That is 10 extra hours a week to weed your garden or teach your child how to play an instrument. By planning and preparing your day, week or month, you avoid unnecessary stress in life. A little quality time management goes a long way in managing unnecessary friction in your personal and professional life. The more organized you are in managing your time, the fewer mistakes you will make; which results in spending less time re-doing your work. Planning your day before you start it will also ensure you do not forget something crucial, like the donuts you promised for after your kid’s soccer practice. Being able to manage your workload better and knowing when to delegate tasks to others allows you to be more productive, which leads to positive feelings and mitigates negative feelings. Also, knowing exactly what is coming eliminates stressful surprises and difficult, tight deadlines and leaves you better prepared for the curve balls live throws you. Tips for Effective Time Management Time management worksheets are a great tool to manage your time effectively, but there are lots of other tips. 1. Know Your Goals Know short-term and long-term you want to accomplish in your life. Write these goals down, how you will accomplish them and when you will accomplish milestones to reach these goals. Knowing what you want will help you do things that will bring you closer to your goals. By not spending time on things that will take you farther from achieving your goals, you will accomplish them faster which leads to fulfillment, satisfaction, self-worth and happiness. 2. Prioritize Classify your tasks. Important and urgent tasks are those which must be done first. Then, take care of the important things that are not urgent. Next, delegate urgent tasks which are unimportant. These tasks distract you from the important tasks which actually need to get done. Finally, put off tasks that are neither important nor urgent. Check out further articles on how to manage multiple priorities. 3. Just Say No Putting off non-urgent, unimportant tasks leads us to our third tip for effective time management. Know when to say no. One of the hardest life lessons is that of sunk cost. No matter how much of a resource (like time) you sink into a project, if it is going nowhere, cut your losses and move on. Remember your bottom line. If you are trying to lose weight and you had a cocktail, you only hurt yourself more by having another cocktail. Similarly, do not spend 12 hours learning how to code script for a video game when you could be using that time to exercise or watch football. Remember, delegate the work it does not make sense for you to do. 4. Plan Ahead Goal setting worksheets are great for helping you to plan ahead. If you are a night owl, take 15 minutes to delineate what needs to get done tomorrow or next week to get you closer to your goals. A clear idea for the most pressing matters of the day saves you time wondering what to do next or performing a task unrelated to your goal. If you are an early riser, work on your to-do list over your cup of morning coffee or juice. This may be the most productive, time-effective thing you do all day. 5. Focus With our phones alerting us constantly of e-mails, Twitter mentions, SMS messages, and Facebook notifications, we can check our phones 150 times per day. However, that is not productive. Own your phone and your email. Do not allow your phone or email to own you. While at work, keep your cell phone on your person in case of an emergency, but turn it off. If someone needs to reach you, they can call your landline at work. Otherwise, it can wait until your lunch break. While not at work, pick a dedicated time to check your e-mail and social media so it does not consume your life. Track how many times you are interrupted each day and see what you can do to mitigate such distractions. Maybe this means asking your oldest child to watch the younger siblings while you try to accomplish a task. Maybe it means using an extension to prevent your web browser from showing you pages unrelated to your work like Reddit or Instagram. Sometimes, we distract ourselves but there are still ways to mitigate this. 6. Relax Relaxing ties in with focusing. You cannot accomplish anything when you are stressed. Break your work up into small, manageable chunks. If you are manually keying hand-written budgets into Google Sheets, try the (10+2)*5 method. In other words, work for 10 minutes, then give yourself a two-minute break. The work you do in the 50 total minutes of that hour will be much more effective than if you spend most of the time dreading your work and wondering when it will be over. Another example of breaking your projects into manageable chunks is the Pomodoro Technique. The idea is, you work for 25 minutes and take a 5 minute break. After four periods of work, you are allowed a 15-minute break. You can also adjust the timer to suit your needs. 7. Self-Care Similar to relaxing, taking care of yourself is a great time management technique. Getting at least nine hours of sleep per night and 2.5 hours of moderate exercise weekly ensures your mind and body are in tip-top shape. A well-rested, healthy individual will always get more done than the sedentary one who pulls frequent all-nighters or sleeps only a few hours per night. 10 Great Time Management Worksheets Now that you know the benefit of excellent time management and tips on how to achieve it, here are the 10 best time management templates. Feel free to create your own if none of these are perfect for you. 1. Weekly Time Management Template 2. Weekly Time Management Template 3. Daily Task List 4. Daily Time Log 5. 90-Day Calendar 6. Chores Template 7. Daily Time Tracking Template 8. Class Schedule Template 9. Rolling Action Item List 10. Prioritized Task List Excel has more built-in templates for time management worksheets than you could ever use. The worksheets we linked to above may be either printed out or replicated using your favorite software. A good template will help you visualize the priorities of the tasks you need to accomplish and give you a great idea of when things need to be completed. Try to get a high-level view of how all your tasks work together. Conclusion Time management worksheets are crucial for reducing stress in your life and improving productivity. Time management skills will cause your peers to look up to you and trust you as reliable. You will be happier and have more time to do what is important to you. Taking care of your priorities quickly and delegating unimportant tasks positions you to take opportunities you would have missed if you had been crunching to meet a deadline. Use a template to create the best worksheet for your needs, be it studying, working on a group project or completing chores around the house.
What are your thoughts on "faith"?
In Questions & Answers
Maxine Coley
Jun 14, 2023
Faith generally refers to a strong belief or trust in something or someone, often without requiring evidence or proof. It can take various forms, such as religious faith, faith in oneself, or faith in others. The nature and extent of faith can vary greatly among individuals and cultures. For many people, faith plays a significant role in their religious or spiritual beliefs. It provides a framework for understanding the world, finding meaning and purpose, and offering a sense of hope and comfort. Faith often involves trust in a higher power or divine being and may involve adherence to religious teachings, rituals, and practices. Faith can also extend beyond religious contexts. It can refer to trust in oneself, in the goodness of others, or in the potential for positive outcomes in uncertain situations. In these cases, faith can serve as a motivating force, helping individuals overcome challenges and pursue their goals. It is important to note that faith does not necessarily exclude critical thinking or the pursuit of evidence-based knowledge. Some individuals find that their faith is strengthened through intellectual inquiry and examination of their beliefs, while others may prioritize faith over empirical evidence. Overall, faith is a complex and deeply personal concept that holds different meanings and significance for different individuals. It can provide solace, guidance, and motivation, but it can also be a subject of debate and skepticism, depending on one's perspective and experiences.
What are your thoughts on "faith"?
In Questions & Answers
Maxine Coley
Jun 14, 2023
Faith is a deeply personal and complex concept that holds significant importance for many individuals and communities around the world. While its interpretation and significance can vary across different religions, cultures, and individuals, there are several common aspects that highlight its importance: 1. Meaning and Purpose: Faith provides a sense of meaning and purpose in life. It helps individuals find answers to existential questions and understand their place in the world. Faith often offers a framework for understanding the universe, human existence, and the purpose of life. 2. Belief in the Divine: Faith involves a belief in a higher power or a transcendental reality beyond the material world. This belief can provide comfort, guidance, and a sense of connection to something greater than oneself. It can offer solace during difficult times and serve as a source of hope and strength. 3. Moral and Ethical Framework: Many religious faiths provide moral and ethical guidelines that shape individuals' behavior and decision-making. Faith often promotes virtues such as compassion, honesty, forgiveness, and justice, fostering a sense of personal responsibility and accountability. 4. Community and Social Cohesion: Faith communities often serve as a source of social support, fostering a sense of belonging and camaraderie among their members. They provide opportunities for individuals to connect with like-minded people, share values, and engage in collective rituals and activities. 5. Coping with Challenges: Faith can be a source of resilience and emotional support during difficult times. It can provide comfort, peace, and hope in the face of adversity, loss, or uncertainty. Faith can also offer a framework for understanding and finding meaning in suffering. 6. Personal Growth and Transformation: Faith encourages personal growth and self-reflection. It can inspire individuals to strive for moral and spiritual development, leading to positive changes in character, attitudes, and behaviors. Faith can also provide a sense of guidance and direction in personal decision-making. It's important to note that the significance of faith is subjective and may vary from person to person. Some individuals may find great meaning and fulfillment through faith, while others may derive meaning and purpose from different sources such as philosophy, humanism, or personal experiences. The importance of faith is deeply personal and can depend on an individual's beliefs, cultural background, and personal experiences.
What is ecclesiology in the Bible?
In Questions & Answers
Maxine Coley
Jun 14, 2023
In the context of the Bible, ecclesiology refers to the theological study or doctrine of the Church. It explores the nature, structure, and purpose of the Church as revealed in the Scriptures. The term "ecclesiology" is derived from the Greek word "ekklesia," which means "assembly" or "gathering," and it is used in the New Testament to refer to the community of believers. Ecclesiology encompasses various aspects, including the origin and mission of the Church, the relationship between Christ and the Church, the role of the Church in the world, the structure and leadership of the Church, and the sacraments or ordinances observed by the Church. In the New Testament, Jesus speaks of the Church, stating in Matthew 16:18, "And I tell you that you are Peter, and on this rock I will build my church, and the gates of Hades will not overcome it." This verse highlights Jesus' intention to establish a community of believers who will continue His work on earth. The book of Acts further describes the early development and growth of the Church after Jesus' ascension, emphasizing the empowering presence of the Holy Spirit. Paul, in his letters, provides further insights into the nature of the Church, describing it as the body of Christ (1 Corinthians 12:12-27), a temple of the Holy Spirit (1 Corinthians 3:16), and the bride of Christ (Ephesians 5:22-33). These metaphors highlight the unity, spiritual vitality, and intimate relationship between Christ and the Church. Different Christian traditions have developed their own ecclesiologies, resulting in various understandings of the Church's structure, governance, and practices. These can include concepts such as the priesthood, episcopacy, congregationalism, and the sacraments. The study of ecclesiology seeks to explore these diverse perspectives and understand the biblical foundations underlying them. Ambassador Maxine Coley
What is the good news of the gospel?
In Questions & Answers
Maxine Coley
Jun 14, 2023
The good news of the gospel, also known as the "Good News" or the "Gospel," is the central message of Christianity. It refers to the teachings and beliefs surrounding the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus Christ. The core aspects of the good news include: 1. Salvation and Forgiveness: The gospel declares that all humans are sinners and separated from God, but through Jesus' sacrifice on the cross, forgiveness and reconciliation with God are made possible. By accepting Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior, people can receive salvation and have their sins forgiven. 2. Grace and Love: The gospel emphasizes that God's love for humanity is unconditional. It is by God's grace that salvation is offered, meaning it is a gift freely given, not something that can be earned through good deeds or personal efforts. 3. Eternal Life: The gospel teaches that through faith in Jesus Christ, believers can have the assurance of eternal life with God. This means that after physical death, those who have accepted Jesus will experience a resurrected and eternal existence in the presence of God. 4. New Life and Transformation: The good news of the gospel also highlights the transformative power of God's Spirit in the lives of believers. It brings about spiritual rebirth, enabling individuals to experience a personal relationship with God and to live a new life characterized by love, joy, peace, and righteousness. 5. Kingdom of God: The gospel speaks of the coming of God's kingdom, both in the present and in the future. It teaches that through Jesus, God's reign is established, and believers are called to participate in bringing about justice, compassion, and the spread of God's love in the world. Overall, the good news of the gospel is a message of hope, redemption, and the offer of eternal life through faith in Jesus Christ. It invites individuals to experience a personal relationship with God and to live transformed lives guided by love and faith.
World Bible Theological Seminary Uncommon Life By Dr. Larry G. Tolbert
In Questions & Answers
Maxine Coley
Jun 14, 2023
Very helpful information's

Maxine Coley

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