Storge love, as you rightly mentioned, is a term derived from ancient Greek and is used to describe familial love, particularly the love between parents and children. In the context of the Bible, Storge love is emphasized through various teachings and examples. Here are some key points related to Storge love in the Bible:
Biblical Commands on Family Love:
The Bible contains explicit commands to honor and love family members. The Fifth Commandment, found in Exodus 20:12, instructs believers to honor their father and mother. This is reiterated in the New Testament in Ephesians 6:2.
Examples of Storge Love in the Bible:
Noah's Family: The story of Noah's family is often cited as an example of Storge love. God saved Noah and his family from the flood because of their faithfulness and love for each other.
Jacob and His Sons: The love of Jacob toward his sons is another example. Despite the challenges and complexities within the family, there is a bond of love that transcends difficulties.
Martha, Mary, and Lazarus: The relationship between Martha, Mary, and Lazarus in the New Testament, particularly in the story of Lazarus' resurrection (John 11), showcases deep familial love.
Christian Believers as a Spiritual Family:
The concept of Storge love extends beyond biological families to include the spiritual family of believers. In Christianity, believers are considered children of God, and the church is often referred to as a spiritual family.
The idea of spiritual adoption is highlighted in verses like John 1:12, where believers are given the right to be called children of God through faith in Jesus Christ.
Eternal Life and Obedience:
The promise of a long and fulfilling life is associated with honoring and obeying parents. This concept is seen in Exodus 20:12 and is often interpreted as a general principle that extends to honoring God as our heavenly Father.
The notion of eternal life is also tied to spiritual obedience and adherence to God's will, as mentioned in John 1:12.
In summary, Storge love in the Bible emphasizes the importance of familial relationships, obedience, and honoring one another. It extends not only to biological families but also to the spiritual family of believers in the context of Christianity.