Eros love, as you've described, is indeed a term derived from Greek and is often associated with romantic and physical love between a husband and wife. While the term "Eros" itself may not be explicitly mentioned in the Bible, the concept of romantic and marital love is addressed in various biblical passages. Here are some key points related to Eros love in the Bible:
God's Design for Marriage:
The Bible, starting from the creation account in Genesis, emphasizes the design of marriage as a union between a man and a woman. Genesis 2:18 highlights that it is not good for man to be alone, and God created a suitable helper for him.
Song of Solomon:
The Song of Solomon, also known as the Song of Songs, is often interpreted as a celebration of romantic and sexual love within the context of marriage. The verses you mentioned from Song of Solomon (1:1-4) depict the intimate and passionate love between a husband and wife.
Leaving and Cleaving:
Genesis 2:24 teaches the concept of leaving one's parents and cleaving to one's spouse. This verse emphasizes the exclusivity and oneness in the marital relationship, supporting the idea of Eros love between a husband and wife.
Marriage as a Safeguard Against Sin:
1 Corinthians 7:8-9 acknowledges the importance of marriage as a safeguard against sexual immorality. It encourages those who cannot exercise self-control to marry, emphasizing that it is better to marry than to burn with passion.
Christ and the Church Analogy:
Ephesians 5:22-25 uses the analogy of Christ's love for the church to illustrate the relationship between a husband and wife. While the focus is on spiritual love and the sacrificial nature of Christ's love, the analogy recognizes the depth and exclusivity of the marital bond.
In summary, while the term "Eros" may not be explicitly used in the Bible, the concept of romantic and physical love within the context of marriage is addressed throughout various passages. The Bible emphasizes the sacredness of the marital relationship and the importance of mutual love, respect, and exclusivity between a husband and wife.