Never ever marry a non-tither no matter how good he/she talks, look, sings, smell or preaches!
Don't do it!!!
Elsewise, you will get into trouble with God being guilty by association.
If you are a faithful tither and went and marry a non-tither you too will become the recipient of all the horrors that person undergoes in life. Not even to share a meal with anon-tither, how much more should you evade the prospect of marrying a non-tither.
Remember now that wisdom is a defense. (Ecclesiastes 7:12) they would stay away from building relationships with non-tithers
As it is written
Your tithes are your kingdom Tax.
Therefore, your give your tithes, God words says pay your tithes
And as I may say, the Levi also, who received tithes, pay tithes in Abraham. (Hebrews 7:9)
Every Non tither is curse with a curse, so that is why you must run in that polar opposite directions. (2 Thes 3:6)
True tithing is from all increase.
Gen 14:20
Gen. 13:20
Non-tithing ruins your life.
According to God the non-tither is accursed.
Malichi 3:9
According to God's words the curse of the non-tither is to never experience the blessing of walking under an open heaven.