He who does not love does not know God, for God is love. 1 John 4:8
Nothing is impossible with God, except to lie.... All things are open before Him. Nothing can be hidden from His counsel.
He is Lord because He rules the universe. He is Father he is before all things. He is fashioner and Creator, because He is Creator and Maker of the universe. He is the Highest, because He is above all. He is Almighty because he Himself rules and embraces everything. The heights of heaven and the depths of the abysses, as well as the ends of the earth, are in His hand.
He cannot be seen
He is brighter than light. Nor can He be grasped. He is purer than touch. He cannot be estimated, for He is infinite and immense.
His greatness is known to Himself alone. But our heart is too limited to understand Him......He who thinks he knowns the magnitude of God is diminishing His magnitude.