A. Balaam – 2 Pet. 2:15-16; Jude 11
B. Pharisee Showtime – Mark 12:40; Luke 20:47 (long prayer); Luke 18:11-14 (exalted)
C. A Mohammedan Prayer: O God, O God, O God, O God!-- O Lord, O Lord, O Lord, O Lord!-- O living, O immortal, O living, O immortal, O living, O immortal, O living, O immortal!-- O Creater of the heavens and the earth!-- O thou who art endowed with majesty and authority! O wonderful, etc. - Tippo Sahib.
Note: This vain repetition in civil matters among the Jews was common place, as it was among the pagans. Let the parricide be dragged! We beseech thee, Augustus, let the parricide be dragged! This is the thing we ask, let the parricide be dragged! Hear us, Caesar; let the false accusers be cast to the lion! Hear us, Caesar, let the false accusers be condemned to the lion! Hear us, Caesar, etc. It was a maxim among the Jews, that “he who multiplies prayer, must be heard.”
Note: These differ from persistence in prayer and supplication, in that the wrongful thought is that the answer will come as a result of the multiplying of words or the form and mechanics of prayer.
D. Jews’ Wailing Wall Prayer – Note: Though the wall separates, prayer ushers in Jesus return (Mat. 23:39; Luke 13:35).
INCENSE (Example, Shadow & Pattern – Hebrews 8:5
A. Composition of Sweet Spices [aroma] Four Substances – Exod. 30:34-35
1. Stacte [5198 nataph; a drop; specifically, an aromatic gum (probably stacte)]
Note: Syn. w. Balm of Jericho
2. Onycha [7827 shecheleth; through some obscure idea, perhaps that of peeling off by concussion of sound; a scale or shell, i.e. the aromatic mussel] -
3. Galbanum [2464 helbenah; an odorous gum (as if fatty)] – Said to have a disagreeable odor by itself, but improves and preserves other odors.
Note: Rises with a ligneous stalk, and leaves at each joint, 8-10’ extended, top covered with yellow flowers. If any part of this plant was broken, what issues out is a little thin milk of creamy color, which is the gummy galbanum
4. Pure Frankincense [3828 lebownah; or lebonah; frankincense (from its whiteness or perhaps that of its smoke): -frank
Note: The Old Testament word for “incense” is qªToret trjq (Ex. 39:38). The same Hebrew letters are translated “doubt” (Dan. 5:12).
B. Tempered Together – rub to pieces; pulverize – Exod. 30:35
C. Beat Very Small / Ground to Powder – simplicity of parts – Exod. 30:36
D. Before The Testimony [Witness] in Meeting Tabernacle – Exod. 30:36
E. “Cut Off” If Emulate or Make Common – Exod. 30:37-38
F. Incense – Symbolic of Prayer – Psalms 141:2 1. David’s Request – “Let my prayer be – as incense” – Psalms 141:2 2. Twenty-Four Elders – had “golden vials full of odours, which are the prayers of saints” – Revelations 5:8
G. Examples of Each Element In Prayer: 1. Drops – Ps 6:6-9; 39:12-13; Psa. 42:3-5; 56:8-13; Psa. 126:5-6 2. Crushed – 3. Broken – Psa. 24:3-4; 34:18-20; 51:16-17; 147:3; Luke 4:18 4. Purity – Psa. 24:4; Prov. 4:23; Isa. 1:18 Cp. 1 Sam. 16:7
JESUS’ PRAYER IN THE GARDEN – Hebrews 5:7 A. Jesus Prayers [1162 petition (from “to beg”). T: Need; seeking; asking] & Supplications [2428 intreaty (ask for a favor). T: suppliant approached those whose aid they requested with an olive branch tied with a white wool] – Hebrews 5:7 1. Strong Crying [ischurás kraugeés] – forcible croaking, screaming, crying aloud 2. Tears f[Feeling] – Cp. a. “Suffering of Death” – Heb. 2:9 b. “Agony” [severe mental struggle] – Luke 22:44 c. Compare: Isaiah 53 – i. “Surely, He has borne our griefs” (Isaiah 53:4), where the word “borne” means “to lift” and the word “griefs” means “sickness.” ii. “He hath put him to grief”, where in this instance “grief” speaks of “being or becoming diseased, sick, or weak” (Isaiah 53:10). iii. “Surely he hath carried our sorrows” (Isaiah 53:4); where the word “sorrows” means “to feel pain; grief, sorrow, mental suffering.” iv. “He shall see of the travail of his soul, and shall be satisfied” – where “travail” speaks of “an effort that wears on a person”; therefore, “a worry of body or mind” (Isaiah 53:11). d. Compare: 1 Peter 2:24 – 3. “Feared” [2124 eulabeías, caution, reverence, taking well] – Heb. 5:7
Note: This was the reason Jesus (and we) are “heard.” 4. “Learned” [informed; increased in knowledge] Obedience – Heb. 5:8 Note: Reason the Angel “strengthened” [inward force] Jesus – Luke 22:42-43 B. Result:
A. Blessed [makarios] “Endureth” [5278 hupomeno (hoop-om-en’-o); from 5259 and 3306; to stay under (behind), i.e. remain; fig., to undergo, i.e. bear (trials), have fortitude, persevere] Temptation - James 1:12
B. Chosen [Tested & Examined] & Refined In Furnace of Affliction – Isa. 48:10
C. Come Forth As “Gold” – Job 23:8-10
Note: The hotter the fire the more pure and luminous the gold. 1. Job – Job 23:8-10 2. Samson – Judges 14:3-4 3. The Hebrew Boys – Dan. 3:21-26 4. David – Psalms 139:23-24 5. Jeremiah – Jer. 17:10 6. Philip – John 6:6 7. Jesus – Mat. 12:40; Heb. 2:10; Rev. 1:18
A. “Lead” [5148 to guide] – Psalms 139:24
B. “Lead Us Not” [carry inward (where He’s taking us to] -vs.- “Deliver” [draw, rescue (where He’s taking us from)] From Evil – Mat. 6:13
C. “Rise (wake up) and Pray, Lest Ye Enter Into Temptation” – Luke 22:46 XVI.
A. Prayer Without Faith – A Disconnected Phone – Heb. 11:6 Note: A phone without any service (Cp. Mat. 13:58; 17:20; Mark 6:6).
B. When God Speaks Nothing Responds – Gen. 1:2-3; Job 26:7
C. When God Speaks Nothing Happens – Gen. 1:2-3; Job 26:7
Note: In other words, nothing becomes something when God speaks
A. Jesus’ Communion – 1. The Word of God – Body & Volume of the Book – Heb. 10:5-7 2. Gave Thanks for the Cup & Bread – Luke 22:17, 19 B. Jesus’ Two Fish & Five Loaves – Mat. 14:19; Mark 6:41l Luke 9:16 1. Looking To Heaven – 2. Blessed [Eulógeesen; speak well of, thank. KJV: bless, praise] – 3. Brake & Gave – Note: Next in Mark 8:6, Jesus gave “thanks” [S:2168] for the loaves and “blessed” [S:2127] the fish. C. Saint’s Food – 1. Eat ‘Every Creature of God Received with Thanksgiving’ – 1 Tim. 4:4 a. The Creature [original formation, created thing] – b. Thanksgiving [Eucharistías] – actively or verbally grateful / thankful Note: The colon is enlightening, giving the explanation in the next verse. 2. “Every Creature Is Sanctified [S:37 Hagiazo; to make holy] By – 1 Tim. 4:5 Note: The word “sanctified” is also translated: hallow, be holy, sanctify. a. The Word [Logou] of God [Theou] – b. Prayer [S:1782 Enteuxis (ent’-yook-sis); from S:1793 [confer with]; an interview, i.e. (specially) supplication. KJV: intercession] – Note: Intercession or to intercede is to move or get in the way Note: The prayer yields strength in place of fainting (Luke 18:1-8). Hence, the parable of the unjust judge and the literal definition of the Hebrew word S:6419 Palal (pawlal’); which means to judge (officially or mentally); by ext., to intercede, pray. And consider that the word “Judge” in the Old Testament is Dan [!d], the Door of Life / Activity.”
A. Elijah – 1. He Commanded and Prayed that there not be dew nor rain – 1 Kings 17:1; James 5:16
Note: During this time he drank of the brook Cherith until it dried up (1 Kings 17:3, 7), and the ravens delivered bread and flesh to him twice a day (1 Kings 17:6). After this, the widow of Zeraphath sustained him according to the word of God (1 Kings 17:9). 2. His Prayer for Fire – it was “at thy [the LORD’s] word” – 1 Kings 18:11, 36 3. He Heard the Sound of Abundance of Rain, Then Prayed 7 times and God send it – 1 Kings 18:1 and 41, 42-44, 45 B. Jesus – 1. He Prayed His Will – that the cup pass from Him – Mat. 26:39; Luke 22:42 2. He Concluded Against His Will – nevertheless – Mat. 26:39; Luke 22:42 “Nevertheless” was the part of the prayer that related to the word “feared” in Hebrews 5:7; from S:2124 Eulabeías, meaning caution, reverence, piety. When Jesus submitted His will to that of the Father, He was sent strength. 3. Then An Angel Appeared from Heaven & Strengthened Him – Luke 22:43 C. The Disciple’s Prayer – Mat. 6:10; Luke 11:1
Note: The order in prayer: “Thy will be done in earth, as it is in heaven” (Mat. 6:10); and, “Thy will be done, as in heaven, so in earth” (Luke 11:2). Thus, Heaven sets the tone. D. New Testament Saints – Rom. 8:26; 1 Cor. 14:14-15 E. Paul’s Prayer Solicitation Equals The Sword of the Spirit – Eph. 6:17-18 F. The End Time Spirit of Grace [S:2580 Chen !x] & Supplications [S:8469 Tachanuwn !wnxt; earnest prayer: KJV - intreaty, supplication] – Zech. 12:1